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Synchronize the components between the stages for seamless experience.




Once components are added to the stages, they are positioned by default within the 3D environment. However, since different companies use varying 3D software and construction standards, the files may not automatically align with each other. To resolve this, the synchronizer panel allows you to adjust and properly position the components within the stages, ensuring everything aligns as intended.

It is necessary to synchronize stages to be able to use the viewer module within the project

To be able to use synchronizer you must have appropriate editor permissions within the project
See Roles page to learn more

3D Space navigation

Moving around in a virtual environment of STAGES bears similarities to any other 3D-based software. 

3D navigation actions:

Orbit camera view - hold RMB+alt, then move the mouse to orbit
Move camera view - hold MMB, then move the mouse

Fly mode

To engage a first-person fly around mode, hold RMB
In this mode, moving the mouse rotates the camera view and you can move around in the space using W, S, A, D keys for directional movement: forward, backwards, left and right respectively, use Q and E for descending and ascending.


At all times, while using a 3D model viewer, a 3D gizmo is displayed in the top right corner of the viewport. It is an on-screen control and indicator of the dimensions within the virtual space.

The gizmo consists of a cube and six cones, three of which are colored and with axis letters. They are indicating vectors for each of the three planes. 

Clicking any of the cones will lock the view to that axis, from where you can use MMB to Move the camera around on that axis. To leave this view, RMB rotate the camera. 

Clicking the cube toggles the viewport between perspective and orthographic view. (The current viewport perspective type will be displayed under the Stages toggle button)


Full suite of tools required to setup multi-stage seamless virtual experience


Process of synchronization consists of adjusting components within 3D space, then setting them as synchronized.

Stages window

The main window of the synchronizer viewport. It displays all the stages with their components, manages the visibility of components and marks them as synchronized.



To change the synchronization state of the component, click the square check toggle of the component.



Toggle the visibility of various components between the stages, change the quality of the scan textures to save performance and manage the files better.


3D object manipulation tools

Tools are located in the floating icon toolbar that, on default, it is in the top left corner.

    • Position tool
      used to move the object in 3DPROJECT_SYNCHRONIZE_DESK_postool.jpg
    • Scale tool
      used to scale the object in 3DPROJECT_SYNCHRONIZE_DESK_scaletool.jpg
    • Rotation tool
      used to rotate the object in 3DPROJECT_SYNCHRONIZE_DESK_rottool.jpg
    Measuring tape
    a sub-tool of the Scale tool, lets you draw a line
    within a 3D space and set the length of it, scaling
    the selected object in the process.PROJECT_SYNCHRONIZE_DESK_tapem.jpg
    Multi-Point Alignment Tool

    A tool for automatic component alignment.


    Place three reference points around the property with the A, B, C markers.

    You can re-adjust the markers positions after placing them, by clicking them again

    Once all three markers have been placed, select a reference component (only synchronized components can be chosen) from the drop-down menu. Proceed with placing the second set of the A, B, C markers in corresponding locations selected in the first step. Again, the markers can be re-adjusted later. While setting the markers from the second step, you will be assisted by a thumbnail preview of the first step markers to help you find the proper locations. After everything is set, confirm the operation for the program to align.

    Using the Alignment tool and confirming DOES NOT synchronize the component automatically. You still need to set the component as synchronized in the Stages Window