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The main project handling and communication feature, core part of the STAGES



After synchronizing the components, you can interact with them in this 3D virtual environment, using the provided management and communication tools described in this page.

Display toggles


These buttons define the visibility of corresponding elements in the viewport. 

"Minimap" opens a floating window of a top-down view with a central marker displaying your current position within space

Free-hand Brush drawings are only available in the 3D view and not in Matterport Virtual Tour view

Side toolbar

On the side left column are located icons of various tools for your disposal,
these are, respectively:


  1. Stages Window

  2. Annotations Filters

  3. Annotations List

  4. Add Note

  5. Distance Measurement

  6. Area Measurement

  7. Compare View


The Annotations communication feature, introduced in Manager view




Selecting a note from the Notes list will open an Annotation editing window, the same as the one from Manager view in addition to expanding the left toolbar to include quick access note-related options.

Now that we are in the Virtual Environment, we can pin the notes to specific locations on 3D surfaces.

To place the (note) marker, open the note More-options_button.png more options and select "Place marker". This will open a small, locked window where you will be able to place the marker on the current view. If the marker is already placed, the "+" will be replaced with a recycle icon to change the location if you wished to. 

To browse through every external file added to notes throughout the project, see Documents page to learn about File Browser


With note selected and in image.png 3D View, you can access the brush image.pngfeature of the Note. Clicking the "+ Add attachments" from the Note panel and then "Use the 3D Brush" option will open a locked window in the middle bottom part of the viewport. From there, to start drawing on the surfaces press the "+".
By default you will start in  brush mode image.pngTo select the width of your stroke use the adjustment handle. To change the stroke color press the color square located left to it (red by default).
Use eraser image.png to get rid of individual strokes or delete the drawing altogether by clicking the bin icon.

Measurement Tools

Clicking either the Area Measurement image.png button or Distance Measurement image.png button, reveals the tool specific window for that tool. Here we can manage all the measurements on the stage, sum up the areas and group them.


To exit the window, we can either click again the same Measurement  button or press the image.png
in the top right corner of the window.

To create a Measurement, click the Add measurement button.

Opened side panels will collapse and a new toolbar will appear on the central bottom part of the viewport


From here on now, you can add points in the 3D space. Click the "plus" icon, your cursor will change to a blue dot, indicating you are ready to place the first point of the measurement. Left clicking anywhere in the 3D viewport will pin the point on the appropriate plane in the virtual environment. Repeat the process as many times as necessary. If you placed the measurement point in the wrong place, you can use the arrows on the Measurement toolbar, to undo/redo the last move. When you're done with your desired surface measurement, proceed with Save and Exit, to keep your measurement or press Cancel instead, to exit the Area Measurement tool without saving.

While creating area measurements, remember to keep the consistent order of creating points

After the Measurement is created, it will be visible in the window panel together with additional actions available under the more options more-options-button.png button in the measurement tile.

StagesProjectMatterportMeasurementMoreOptions_WEB.pngHere you can:

  • Edit the area
  • Adjust the tile look
  • Add the measurement to an already existing Group
  • Attach it to a note
  • Delete it

Measurement Groups

You can group multiple measurements to make easy-to-access multi-surface area sums. An example being wall area of a room, or windows area of a floor.

More options more-options-button.png of the group lets us rename it, add a measurement or delete it.


More options more-options-button.png of the measurement gives you options to detach it from the group or to open it in the Measurements Tab.



A quick way to check a total sum of multiple measurements without creating a group. Additionally we can use this to sum up entire groups. This comes in handy when we would like to check the walls surface area of multiple rooms for example (if we set them up).


Easy way to move between stages and switch between view environments

Use the visual timeline to move around stages and switch between Matterport Virtual Tour view and 3D Environment view easily!

Compare View

Side-by-side perspective for contrasting as-built Matterport scans, providing a realistic representation, alongside the originally designed BIM data.

Compare View lets you launch two linked instances of virtual walks. Selecting the different stages between the views lets you inspect the differences between the stages on the fly. Because both views are linked together, they will automatically navigate and rotate the view to be the same as the currently active view you are using to navigate through the 3D environment.