App Overview (Desktop)
introduces the main features, functionality, and interface of the software's desktop version, providing a general understanding of its capabilities and usage.
Project Structure
STAGES operates on a set structure where organizations made out of teams of people are handling...
Project Browser
The "home screen" screen you'll see after logging in to Stages. It consists of: Project Brow...
Organizations is the place where you can set up your group profile and manage the users, roles an...
Entry screen, displaying basic information about the organization, such as: Name Thumbnail ...
Lists all the roles available in the organization and the number of members with these roles. D...
Screen from where you can manage users within the organization. The main part of the view is t...
Teams & Templates
List of the teams and templates used to manage user permissions. Team Here can manage the exi...
Centralized Project Management. Projects List The first thing you'll see in the Projects ...
License manager & Subscription panel
License managerYou can see all of your active, free and expired licenses as well as currently ass...
Main operation center of the software
Handle the project structure by adding or modifying stages, their components and reviewing notes....
Synchronize the components between the stages for seamless experience. Overview Once compo...
The main project handling and communication feature, core part of the STAGES Overview After s...
A centralized File Browser panel for handling files within the project. Overview Folder t...
Handle your SIMLAB Cloud account and STAGES desktop app settings Preferences Edit...
Software Integrations
Third Party Software working in collaboration with Stages App