Common questions | STAGES
Receive answers to recurring user queries about STAGES.
Do Stages work on macOS?
Yes, of course. You can download installers for both Windows and macOS versions from our site. The web version works under the Safari browser.
Can I use Stages on the web or on a mobile device (iPad, iPad Pro, etc.)?
Yes. You can use Stages on the web or Stages on the iPad as desired. Learn more about purchasing options on the SIMLAB Cloud plans page.
Can I use Stages on more than one machine?
Yes. You can download and install Stages on multiple computers regardless of operating system. However, you can only be logged on to your account from a single machine at a time. See the terms of use for more information.
How do I access the apps in SIMLAB Cloud?
All SIMLAB Cloud programs can be accessed through your SIMLAB account located here.
When does my subscription begin?
Your subscription will start when your order is processed. Please allow some time after the purchase for everything to be finalized.
What happens if I decide to stop my subscription?
When you cancel your subscription, the automatic renewal will be halted, and your account will revert to trial status once the current paid subscription period ends.
What if I have problems downloading my software?
Check your internet connection. If it's not the connectivity problem, contact us.
Where can I find the terms and conditions for SIMLAB apps?
Your access to SIMLAB Cloud apps is governed by the terms of use that you can access here.
Is there an offline version of the app?
Unfortunately, there is no offline version of the app, as you need a stable internet connection to: verify your subscription and, in general, use other software features, like Matterport Virtual Tour, which requires an internet connection.
Technical questions
What are the minimum system requirements to run Stages?
See the system requirements for information provided below:
Where can I ask a technical or how-to question related to Stages?
First, visit the STAGES documentation to learn about the software and check Troubleshooting for common problems. If you didn't find an answer to your question, contact us so we can expand and improve our documentation with your suggestion!
I want to upload a 3D CAD model but I can't, why?
Most likely, you are trying to add it as a component through WEB platform which currently does not support component types other than Matterport virtual tours. To upload 3D models and other types of components, use the DESKTOP app.
To learn more about components visit our documentation page.
I synchronized a component and hit "save" but nothing changed.
To synchronize a component, you need to mark it as such, by checking the synchronization status box located next to the component in the Stages Window
Can I transfer projects between organizations?
Yes, you can! You should be able to do it from Organizations view > Projects > Transfer Project
I'd like to view a 2D Floorplan component with a Matterport 3D scan at the same time, how do I do it?
You need to add a 2D (Floorplan) component to the stage you wish to view it in and synchronize the project. Afterwards, while in inspector mode, switch to 3D Model view and toggle the component visibility of your file from the stage component window.
Purchasing options
How can I purchase Stages?
Learn more about purchasing options on the Stages subscription plans page.
I want to cancel/change my membership
See Purchasing and availability for more specific answers related to subscriptions and purchases.
Learning Stages
How can I get started with Stages?
Check out Stages video tutorials for all you need to get started—video and step-by-step-tutorials. For detailed information on every part of the software, consider going through our STAGES documentation
Have a question or an idea?
If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and contact us directly. We'd love to hear from you!