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Stage info

Main project view, where you can quickly handle the basic stages information and their components.



  1. Left Side Panel
    Upon entering the project, the Stages list will be automatically opened.

  2. View selection
    Toggle between 3 main views of the (WEB) Project section.

  3. Stage info
    Here is displayed basic information of the currently selected Stage. 

  4. Annotations
    This section provides a quick information on the type and amount of different types of notation items in the selected stage.

  5. Stage components
    List displaying the components of the stage, together with their type, creation date and status (if they are synced). 

Stages list

The left side panel from where you can add and manage the stages of a project.

You can open the Project info window from here as well: simply click ProjStagesList_ProjectInfo_WEB.png button, located at the top of the Stages list panel.

From here you can open the Documents view by clicking the Stages_Docs_Button_WEB.png button - a centralized File Browser.

Additionally you can invoke the Note Filters window by clicking ProjStagesList_NotesFilters_WEB.png button, to the right of Project info button.

Adding stages

To add a stage to the Project, locate the ProjStagesList_AddStage_WEB.png button, press it, then choose the name for the stage and select the date of it's creation.

Remember. The Scan Creation Date should be the same as when the Scan was taken, and not when the Stage was created

Managing stages

ProjStagesList_WEB.pngThis side panel displays all of the stages inside the project. Each stage has it's own separate tile displaying it's number, name, the scan creation date and amount of notes. Additionally you can expand ProjStagesList_ExpandArrow_WEB.png the tile to reveal the components of that stage and manage the visibility of each of the individual component of that stage.

These are mainly used while in the Matterport view

Quick Access

Collapsing the Left side panel reveals three quick access buttons:

  • ProjStagesList_ShowstagesButton_WEB.png  Show stages list - expands the Stages list side panel on the left

  • ProjStagesList_NotesFilterButton_WEB.png  Notes filters - opens the Note Filters window

  • ProjStagesList_MeasurementButton_WEB.png  Area Measurement tool - expands the Area Measurement side panel on the right

  • Distance_measurement_tool_BUTTON.png  Distance Measurement tool - expands the Distance Measurement side panel on the right

Measurement tools will change the main view to the Matterport view if it wasn't already selected

Stage info

From this section of the Stage Panel we can check who is the author of the selected stage, when was it last modified and lastly the creation date of the Stage. Further on there's space for the Stage description


To edit the stage information, click the more options more-options-button.png button, revealing options to either Edit the stage or Remove it.

Stage Components

Components are external files used to build the 3D environments with, in the stages.

Adding a Component

ProjComponentsList_Addcomponent_Popup_WEB.pngTo add a component to the project, press the ProjComponentsList_Addcomponent_WEB.png button that will open the upload window, from where you will be able to add a Matterport Virtual Tour to the project. Here you can either add a public or private Matterport Virtual Tour Component. 

Adding a private link requires you to log in to your Matterport Account and follow the authentication steps

To add other types of the components see the Desktop version

Editing a component

ProjComponentsList_Component_WEB.pngBy pressing more options more-options-button.png button located at the far left side of the component row, we can access additional actions, such as: 

  • Delete synchronization: removes the current synchronization of the component. ProjComponentsListPOPUP_WEB.png
  • Import Mattertags: Imports tags. Only for Matterport Virtual Walks Components 
  • Rename Component: lets you change the name of the component.
  • Delete Component: deletes the component permanently.

Component file formats

This is the list of all the supported file formats for every component type.

To add different kinds of components to the stage, see Desktop version


3D geometry file formats

  • obj
  • fbx
BIM object file formats
  • IFC


2D digital image file formats

  • jpg
  • png
  • svg
Document file formats
  • PDF
Pointcloud file formats
  • XYZ
  • E57

    To manage all the files within a project see Documents page to learn more about File Browser.